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AI Changing Development and Microsoft Build 2023

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Microsoft Build 2023 is a developer conference focusing on the latest code and app development innovations to help empower developers worldwide. It recently took place on May 23-25, 2023. I attended several sessions online each day. The conference included different sessions that covered various topics, including generative AI. Microsoft’s AI efforts, specifically Bing Chat, have propelled the company to the forefront of the AI race.

According to Microsoft’s blog post, “Microsoft Build brings AI tools to the forefront for developers,” the company is announcing that it will adopt the same open plugin standard that OpenAI introduced for ChatGPT, enabling interoperability across ChatGPT and the breadth of Microsoft’s copilot offerings. As a result, developers can now use one platform to build plugins that work across consumer and business surfaces. The blog post also mentions that Microsoft is growing the AI plugin ecosystem and is working on enabling interoperability across ChatGPT and the breadth of Microsoft’s copilot offerings.

The event showcased how AI is redefining what and how developers build and how AI is changing the future of work.

The event also focused on two concepts: copilots and plugins. Copilots are computer programs that use advanced artificial intelligence technology and large language models like GPT-4 to assist people with complex tasks. Plugins are tools that augment the capabilities of AI systems, enabling them to interact with application programming interfaces (APIs) from other software and services to retrieve real-time information, incorporate company and other business data, perform new types of computations, and safely take action on the user’s behalf¹.

Let’s talk about how AI is redefining what and how developers build and how AI is changing the future of work.

I’m sure you’ve heard of AI or artificial intelligence. This technology enables machines to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as understanding language, recognizing images, making decisions, and learning from data. AI is not a new concept, but it has been advancing rapidly in recent years thanks to the availability of large amounts of data, powerful computing resources, and innovative algorithms. As a result, AI is transforming every industry and aspect of our lives, from health care to education, entertainment to transportation, agriculture to manufacturing. But what does AI mean for developers? How is AI changing the way we create software and applications? And how is AI impacting the skills and roles of developers in the future of work? These are some of the questions I want to explore in this blog post.

AI robot frame technology, abstract futuristic tech design with blank space
AI robot frame technology, abstract futuristic tech design with blank space
  • How AI is redefining what developers can build:
  • AI enables developers to create new kinds of applications and experiences that were impossible before or too complex or costly to implement.
  • Examples of applications that developers can build with AI:
  • Chatbots that can interact with users in natural language.
  • Voice assistants that can understand and respond to voice commands.
  • Applications that can analyze images, videos, audio, or text and extract valuable insights or generate new content.
  • Applications that can generate realistic images, videos, audio, or text from scratch.
  • How AI is redefining how developers build:
  • AI is not only a tool for creating applications but also a tool for improving the development process itself.
  • Examples of how developers can use AI to improve their development process:
  • Automate tedious or repetitive tasks like testing, debugging, or deploying code.
  • Enhance their productivity and creativity by providing suggestions, recommendations, or feedback.
  • Optimize their code for performance, security, or quality.
  • Collaborate better with other developers or stakeholders using tools that facilitate communication, coordination, or knowledge sharing.
  • How AI is changing the future of work for developers:
  • AI is creating new opportunities for developers and new challenges and responsibilities.
  • Examples of the opportunities and challenges that developers face in the future of work with AI:
  • Keep up with the fast-paced evolution of AI technologies and learn new skills and tools constantly.
  • Adapt to new ways of working with AI systems and seamlessly integrate them into their workflows.
  • Consider the ethical and social implications of their work with AI and ensure that their applications are fair, transparent, accountable, and trustworthy.
  • Embrace the diversity and complexity of the problems and users they are solving and designing for with AI.
  • Collaborate more effectively with other developers and professionals from different domains and backgrounds in developing and deploying AI solutions.

In conclusion, AI is redefining what and how developers build and how they work in the future. AI enables developers to create new kinds of applications and experiences that are more intelligent, interactive, and engaging.
AI also enables developers to improve their development process and productivity by automating, enhancing, and optimizing their tasks. AI is also creating new opportunities
and challenges for developers in terms of skills, ethics, and collaboration.
AI is a game-changer for developers and the world.
I hope you learned something new.
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